Actualisation & Optimisation

Organisations implement and invest in myriads of new Systems, Solutions and Processes every day – all to drive business benefit. The main aim behind any of these solutions or related investments must be to deliver a tangible and measurable return to the organisation.

  The question most organisations ask - what has this investment actually done and what is it delivering tangibly?   

The ROI needs to be determined and defined upfront, and be measurable. In today's competitive climate, organizations cannot afford to spend money, time or effort, on new solutions, systems or processes that do not provide a competitive advantage or improve tangible performance.

  At the actualisation and optimization stage we use the documented key business benefits, drivers or goals identified in the Strategic Mapping cycles to measure the business benefits and outcomes achieved. This is done by assessing the change in performance, efficiency, effectiveness, profitability, risk, etc. These benefits can then be compared to the total cost of the investment in monetary, time, and effort to change to quantify value created.   

So what happens if an organisation is not getting the best ROI? The first thing to understand is "why not"?

  We work with you to identify and addresses any gaps. Albacore works with our clients to optimize any initiative to ensure it is delivering quantifiable return and benefit in the short, medium and longer term - this is the true "eureka" for any organisation that has invested in doing things in a new or different way.